Thanks from Raider Take

I am still awed by the level of analysis and insight being brought to this blog by various commentators. Better yet, you bring it with style, grace and humor. You stand in firm rebuke of those who would slander the Raider Nation as a bunch inarticulate Neanderthals. I defy anyone to prove that there is a more informed and passionate fan base in the NFL.
The goals of Raider Take are simple: (1) generate dialogue on the season in progress; (2) celebrate the greatness of the Oakland Raiders organization and the Raider Nation; and (3) neutralize the forces of anti-Raiders propaganda and negativity in order to grow the Raider Nation and thus help keep the Oakland Raiders in Oakland.
This latter point is crucial. We are on the clock, Raiders fans. The Coliseum lease is up in five years. We need to spread the good news—fast. I have no illusions about the “importance” of this little blog. But perhaps, with your help, it adds just a little volume to the collective voice of the Raider Nation. Something needs to give, not just on the field, but in how the Raiders fan experience is perceived and communicated. We can all contribute and (cue the violins and hecklers) make a difference. Call me naïve.
On that note, please bear with the following misty-eyed “thank you” speech, acknowledging those, among others, who breathed life into Raider Take during its inaugural season:
Raider Take Commentators – This would be one boring and lonely place without these guys and gals. On that note, thanks to Doobie, LK, Calico Jack, MadStork83, Stick ‘Em, NFL Adam (a.k.a. the coolest Raider hater), Raider00, LeighRaider, Raider Nilbilly Boy, Tokai Japan Outpost, Scorpio, Harkonnendog, Bad Boy Roberto, Tommy NY Raider, CJ, Submergent PTB, Arleigh Simon, Maverick, AlzadoMan, Sec 137, RaiderAJ, X, NorthWestRaiderFan, Greg Moon, TheFreakingPope, Jason Culley, Peter Fleming, the many-headed Anonymous and everyone else. JS gets special mention for coming in here very early as a Raider Take pioneer. – AllyOop wakes up shortly after Jon Gruden each morning so that we can get all of our Raiders news in one convenient location before the sun rises. She and her colleagues at have been kind enough to link to Raider Take, for which I am grateful.
Raider Nation Podcast – Raider Greg and his technical guru Randy kindly gave numerous shout-outs to Raider Take. Who needs George Atkinson going Orwell on KSFO when you can get the truth straight between the eyes from Raider Greg? (Oakland Tribune Online) – Their link to Raider Take was a huge boost. There’s a reason why their writers haven’t been featured in Raider Take’s News You Can’t Use (and no, it’s not because I’m biased): they conduct honest reporting and refrain from cheap shots. I don’t always agree with them, but I respect their journalism. – This premier source for Raiders-oriented web sites was kind enough to add the unproven Raider Take to its roster at the beginning of the season. – This is a multifaceted forum that showcases both the variety and unity of thought in the Raider Nation, and I was honored to have Raider Take linked to several posts throughout the season. – This red-hot sports site selected Raider Take as one of “Blogdom’s Best” for the Oakland Raiders. That was a very nice surprise.
Cousin Joe – My cousin joins me in advancing our second-generation family membership in the Raider Nation. He is my gameday co-pilot, and at times my editorial conscience.
Next up: the road to a new head coach.
Thanks man, you're doing a great job. I doscovered your blog early in the season and now I check it every day. And I enjoy the contributions of everyone you mentioned. Now let's get a coach!...
No doubt, Raider Take, you are doing a great job. I found this blog only a month ago, and I am hooked. There are many different thoughts, and opinions about the Raiders here, but I get the sense we all want the same thing. To restore the Raiders back to glory, and greatness. How, and if, we are getting there is what, I guess, we are talking about here, and that's what makes this blog so interesting. thanks again, Raider Take.
RT--great site thru which pumps the lifeblood of Raider Nation. Thanks!
What the...whoda thunk RT was really teary-eyed Dick Vermeil in disguise? :)
It's been a pleasure...if it wasn't for Deadspin, I'd have never known this place existed.
Next up...a new head coach and the 2006 draft.
Thanks. I've always thought this was one of the better written sports blogs around, and I've enjoyed commenting on it. It's a great place for knowledgeable fans to come and chat.
If you guys keep this up, I'm really going to go Vermeil on you! The feelings are mutual.
P.S. It sounds like JS has upgraded me from his original assessment of "reasonably intelligent." Whew! ;)
You're not going to believe this one. I have to remain anonymous on this. I have recieved word from a very reliable source that the raiders will be offering there 1st rd. pick and there 3rd rd. pick in 2006, there 2nd rd pick in 2007 and a undisclosed amount of money to the Buccaneers for Jon Gruden. Don't believe it? Well neither do I but we will all just have to wait and see.
Thanks RT. You are a class act. I always anxiously await your latest post and insightful observations. I consider you the heart-beat of the Raider Nation. I sincerly wish that you had Al's cel # on speed dial and were his paid consultant. A venti Carmel Machiato while reading your blog is a slice of heaven for me. Grab a kleenex and get busy on your next article. I'm curious to know if you think the Pat Hill / David Carr rumor has any legs to it? Keep the faith amigo.
Calico Jack
Calico Jack, I really appreciate your feedback!
I am going to sound revisionist when I say that the Carr-Hill connection did cross my mind a few weeks ago, since I never published it here. Mentioning Pat Hill was enough to get folks riled up. Carr had a horrible year behind a porous line. Sounds familiar. But he may still have some upside, and Hill might be the one who could tap into it, as he did at Fresno.
I've heard the rumor, don't know if there's any truth to it.
P.S. In case you haven't seen it, here's the most thorough list of potential coaching candidates I've seen:
anonymous, THAT is the funniest thing I've heard in a lonnng time! Gruden would rather jump into the waiting jaws of a Florida gator than come back here. Besides, the guy has complete control of that team. Why would he give that up to go back to jail?
Raider Take - hey brutha, you sound like you're going bye-bye. anyway, i don't mean anything personal to you being an Al Davis fan. We are all Raider fans whether we are fans of Davis or not. No other team's fans in the country can claim the close knit family we have. Family members can disagree like any other family, but we stick with our team through thick and thin. It's thin right now and we know the reasons why but we still stick with our team. hey hang in there and go raiders!
Well said, Scorpio...Deep down, I know you love Al.
I'm not going anywhere; just some reflection as we close the door on the season and the year. After 112 posts, including 16+ haiku, I'm inspired to light a cigar, have a beer and get weepy about the friends I've made here at Raider Take. Then the bartender will turn out the lights, and I'll trudge home through yesterday's confetti to get cracking on my next take.
It's been a wild ride. I launched this blog in August, right after attending the Raider Nation Celebration. If you'd told me then that the Raiders would be 4-12 come January, I would have declared myself the Queen of England and predicted flying saucers over the White House.
Calico, we may have to revoke our Raider Nation cards, but I echo your caramel macchiato sentiments. It's 3:36 here on the east coast and now I want a flavored coffee. LOL
let's not go there brutha. like i said before, during the LA years when i went down there for games a LOT in those years, I used to be an Al davis fan. But I came to my senses and saw how destructive his EGO became. now i simply despise the man.
on a side note: i'm an oakland a's fan too. i feel the same way about billy beane as i do davis. why? i think he's over-rated as a gm and his moneyball theory is bullcrap. the a's will NEVER win a championship as long as this man is around. BUT - that's a whole different story for a different day. as a VERY unsatisfied east bay sports fan, and paying but dedicated customer i will voice out my opinion.
we as unhappy raider fans must hear all sides as everyone has their own 2 cents. i just cannot help but feel ENVIOUS as organizations known as doormats in the past are now among the elite teams. why? because they hired the right people to do a job of building their team. heck, this sure took a long while but dangit, look where they bloody are now. See Colts, Bengals, Patriots, Jaguars etc.
i love my team. i wear my gear even during the offseason. i will always go to my games win, lose or draw.
the raiders are now a laughingstock. this is so very sad. and al davis is the reason.
gotta run folks. have a nice weekend.
Perhaps you should check into some meetings at your local chapter of GA (Gossipqueens Anonymous) 'cause it appears you have a problem with rumors.
The Raiders do not want Gruden back, and they certainly are not going to trade for him. Chucky never took this team to the Super Bowl…but he did take the Disney pirates there.
Moreover, Gruden simulated Rich Gannon in practice, which (along with Robbins going One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest) blew the biggest game of the last twenty years for our team--Dah Raydahs.
My eight-year-old niece could tell Gruden had informed the rest of the NFL on the Raiders play calls, signals, and tendencies by the next year. The team crashed and burned following the Super Bowl because everyone knew exactly what was coming.
Gruden knows nothing about loyalty and we have none left for him. Why would anyone in their right mind want Chucky back in Silver'n'Black after what he has done?
BTW, here are two rumors I heard this season that turned out to be true:
1. Chucky's team was going to be among the most penalized in the NFL (which debunks the "we need Gruden's discipline hypothesis") and
2. The Disney pirates were not going to win a playoff game
Yikes! did someone fast forward the calendar to April 1??...Raider brothers drinking macchiatos?? What, to wash down the portobello pitas?
I didn't realize my penchant for flavored coffee would cause such a stir. Heaven forbid if I had mentioned I like blueberry muffins with my coffee. Cheers Doobie.
The most embarrassing thing I ever ordered was a banana flavored frozen drink on a whim during a Monday Night Football game at a local T.G.I.F.-like restaurant in the mid nineties. The bartender, also sharing my favorite team, says "What kind of f***ing Raiders fan orders a Banana Blast??"
I stuck with beer the rest of the night.
It's all good, Calico. I'm witcha on the muffins....
flavored coffee, varietal wines...........waiting...............waiting for vegan post...............going home now to eat roasted animals
Cabernet Sauvignon? That wouldn't hold up to barbecue or any other rich meat dish, so I'd always stick with Zinfandel but I digress...
As for the anonymous rumor about a trade for Gruden, as false is it may seem I wondered the same thing after his Bucs nose-dived to the 'Skins at home (and all the quotes from his father in the recent articles in local papers about the Tuckbowl game). Even if the Bucs are the most penalized, I'd take Gruden back. Aside from the Hollas/George/Wilson nightmare of '98, he had some pretty good teams in Oakland.
I'm surpised no one's mentioned guys like Culpepper or Brooks as potential future QB's. As for Vince Young; no way. He looks like another Mike Vick to me, relies on his feet too much and that won't last in the NFL. Not to mention how much money he'd take up.
And Scorpio, I hear you on Beane and the A's. If he signs Frank Thomas I'll puke.
NY Raider, I live in Central NJ so I'm surrounded by Giants, Jets AND Eagles fans.
Can't say I've tried this one, but with all you javaholics on board the blog, figured someone might like Jim Otto's candidate for the "Approved Gear" bean list:
I remember Iron Man farming walnuts and owning a bunch of Burger King franchises...looks like he's entered the caffeine market too..LOL!
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