Gear of The Week: Pirate Logo Cap

After the Chargers blowout, I purchased the Raiders Pirate Logo Cap from The Raider Image. This Reebok-made hat is exclusive to The Raider Image. I really dig it, so I am selecting it as my Gear of The Week. It’s a sleek flexfit universal hat with brilliant embroidering that nails every detail. The back base of the hat features the word RAIDERS embroidered in the authentic team font. If you buy this hat, trust me, you’ll love it. It's one badass lid. Click here to purchase.
I just read this article, which says that the 49ers are the most popular team in the western United States. That’s funny, because I live outside the Bay Area, in a town that is equidistant from San Francisco and Oakland. When I drive and walk around my town, I see Raiders decals, hats and apparel all over the place. I rarely see 49ers gear. I walk into Kohls, and the racks with the Raiders gear are decimated while the 49ers gear collects dust.
So while the 49ers might have more people who claim to be fans of the team in the western United States, many of these “fans” are apparently in the football witness protection program, waiting for the Niners to make the playoffs before pulling their red-and-gold sweatshirts out of the rag drawer.
But in the Raider Nation, dust never settles on our silver and black.
SadFranchiseWiners, in the closset, waiting, while they wear Seattle and Pitsburg gear or what ever team is winning at the time, typical for closset fans, after all, these are the same bastards who walked accross the bridge when Al moved his team south and claimed to have been RaiderFans in the past!!! If you remember back to 1980 and before, SFW never had any fans, well, hardly any so their stadium was empty unless the Raiders came to play and bring our fans to their submerged stadium, under the bay. In their history they never had a winning season, not until Gangsta Edy the Briber purchased their team....All their wins are followed by an *******asteric because EdyTheBriber paid off the Zebras and Tag-A-Boooooo just like he did the govenor of Mississippy for his gamblin permits on the river and just like CarmanPussy did while surconventing the Cap for SFW and DaNewBrownies of Cleveland. Well, now it is apropriate, they are owned by a WOMAN and they wear ScarletRedPanties-w-GoldishLace!!!! Just like their weak-ass fans, cross-over "PussiesOfTheWest"
Just read The Last Streetfighter's article on Raidernews, congratulating himself for calling the season before it began. Too soon, LSF.
The fact is, back in '94, I had questions about Walsh and Shell myself. But I was never certain the problem wasn't the personnel and not the system. It's true that Brown and Hostetler didn't like the system, but they were both more suited for the WC style offense. Brown was never a gamebreaking receiver, but rather a very solid possession receiver. Hostettler didn't have the arm for the Gilman style offense. Both of these players lobbied Davis to fire Shell and Walsh and name White as head coach. The problem then was also similar to now, not because of the offensive system, but because of a suspect OL. Shell led the Raiders to a 9-7 season in spite of the holes in the line-up. White, with the same team, employing the "modern" offense, went 8-8 in his first season, and then 7-9 in the next season. Bugle came in after that and added George and Kaufman, but the problem was still on the OL, and the quality of defensive personnel slipped as well. Gruden began a rebuilding process which was not really furthered by Callihan or Turner. So here we are, essentially leaving off where we were in 1994.
It still might turn out that LSF is right. But it also might turn out that Shell and Walsh turn the team around this year. The jury will be out on that until the end of the year. Calling the season after two games is a little absurd.
I've also heard how much credibility Brown has in identifying the problems of the Raiders. Really? The three coaches Brown lobbied hardest for were White (15-17), Bugel (4-12), and Callihan (16-16). Davis has given us Rouch, Madden, Flores, Shanahan, Shell, Gruden, and Turner. Personally, I'll take Davis' picks over Brown's.
Blandarocked, Great take. I couldn't agree with you more on Tim Brown's choices of head coaches, although I never really thought about it until you brought it up. As I am a numbers guy, I thought I'd add some granularity to your observation. Brown's ideal coaches are 35-45 for a winning percentage of .437. Davis' choices that you listed are 330-194-7 for a winning percentage of .621. Once again, great observation. Go Raiders!
RT: That is my favorite hat and I rock it regularly!
Blanda Rocked, I agree with some of what you said, EXCEPT Brown was a very solid possession reciever. Brown was a great position receiver who could break a play with the best of em. He averaged more than 13 yards a catch for his career. With 8 years averaging more than 14. That is great not solid.
Also if you are coaching a team you have to create a system that fits the players you have. If coaches cannot change the system to fit the players they have that is there bad. Think Ryan and his 3-4, couldn't work because we had 4-3 personell.
RE: "gear of the week, pirate logo", How's that info-propaganda-mercial go, "The autumn wind is a pirate" ha ha yuk ha yuk cough, it still cracks me up, anyway, this faida LOSER say that the 49ers don't sell as much as da faidas, that the RED and Gold isn't as popular as the silver and whack, well next week after the 49ers KICK YOUR faidas A LARGER ASSHOLE, you can celebrate by going out and buying some more useless faida garb(age). The RED and GOLD will still be televised locally all season due to sold out status, you on the other hand won't be able to see your faidas on tv, or cable.Hum, I wonder why, this is the "faidas broadcasting network" signing off, just twinge baby.
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