As of yesterday, however, I have found an unlikely ally: the wife of Rob “Caveman” Ryan.
Yesterday, The Caveman spoke. He said: “We got to hit and tackle. Shoot even my wife noticed that. She says, ‘You don’t know much about football. Teach them to tackle.’”
Added The Caveman while gnawing on the leg of a triceratops: “It's a serious business. You miss tackles, I don’t care who you are, you don't have a defense worth a damn. We’ve been pointing it out and we’ve been correcting it. As fundamentals go, you still got to have'em, even in pro football. And if you don't, you're a pile of junk.”
To me, it all boils down to one thing: WWTD? That is, what would Tatum do? Would he get pushed backward down a sideline by a puny running back under any circumstances? Would he, upon having a perfect angle and an open field, whiff numerous tackles? Would he lack fundamentals?
No, Jack would not.
We need the spirit of Jack back. We need our defense to Jack some people up. We need to ask of our defense: WWTD? Hence, Raider Take’s new WWTD? two-sided shirt, which I submit to you as a stylish rallying cry for the 2007 season. It makes a great early Christmas gift, too. I hear that Stuart Schweigert wears size XXL. Click here to purchase.
P.S. No disrespect intended to the Christian motif of WWJD? I am a believer, and I don’t think that humor is inconsistent with my beliefs.
I love Caveman not sugar coating his comments by saying "Yeah you know...there has been a steady improvement and uh....we need to focus more on our uh...fundamentals...but uh...i think..." blah blah bullsh!t
no he said by missing tackles you're a pile of junk. period.
Regarding the play of the "D" so far this season we look to be in "Deep Due-Due"....the thing we could rely upon is now the weakest link...second is Passing and "FG"s....
Thanks for bringing the Conspiricy to my attention....I love a good "Sinester Plot" but this one was against us....as you recall I stated it as a bit of Humor in the past but now it's no longer funny....just look at the evidance....
Copy-Posted from the past takes:
BlandaRocked said...
Conspiracy theories are not the provence of former players like Tim Brown and Rich Gannon. We all know that. I pulled the following from PFT.
"Over the weekend, former Oakland receiver Tim Brown said on FSN's Pro Football Preview that an audiotape was sent to the the Raiders in 2002 containing clear sounds of quarterback Rich Gannon calling out audibles and adjustments during the teams' epic 2001 divisional playoff game. On Sunday, Gannon reiterated the contention while calling the Raiders-Broncos game for CBS."
So there you have it. There was a lot more to complain about in that game than just the snow job. But the league will not investigate, so the Pats will continue to cheat. One might even believe that the league wants them to continue cheating. I wonder if the league knew they were cheating at the time, and when they saw that cheating wasn't going to be enough, the league intervened to overthrow the game ending call on the field.
PantyRaider Said
Conspiricy Thories:.....I just love a good "Bad" plot....
2001 after 911 Bush wanted an American hero to hold up to the people....so he contacted "Tag-a-Boo" and gave an excutive order to promote his favorate NFL team to champians saying "Your country needs you now....it's a mater of national security"....so of course "Tag-a-Boo" obeyed (and got paid enough to retire).....
Belly-Chick was contacted by the "SecreatService" along with the CIA-n-FBI....he was asked..."See that satalite up there....well of course you don't but it see's you and knows everything you do even at times before you know....we will share this technology with you so you can spy on the other teams just like we spy on your niebors....garanteed to make you a winner"....so Belly-Chick" said..."I'm in"....
Next they made contact with Brady...."How would you like to go into politics....we can make you the "PosterChild" of the "New World Order" and when your football days are over you will gain office as a celibrated hero....Brady said..."I'm in"...
So the rest is history and the plot worked until that cold January "02" day near Boston...(no tea party in site)...the hated "Raiders of the DarkSide" who repesent every thing evil in the world were in town and the spy satalite could not crack their code....it became evedent that the newly apointed heros would loose and not obtain the ordained glory for the season....so again an executive order was given and "Tag-a-Boo" had the game halted....in the replay booth the oficials were ordered to reverse the call on the field...(tuck rule)...and the rest raider Fans is history....The Patsy's were paraded around the world with their stolen trophy as a symbol of Peace and Greatness wearing the American Flag on their helmets....after all....how could they have held up the Hated Raiders of the "DarkSide" who symbolize every thing evil in the world....
So now we find out that Belly-Chick has had some remarkable technology but no one can figure out how they bacame so good with it....now just look up in the shy above....you see that...NO...you see nothing.....but it see's you.....that's your answer.....
PantyRaider....History From the DarkSide!!!!!
So now we see how the plot has thickened and is being exposed...but the tapes have all been delivered and "Destroyed" by Tag-a-Boo's replcement.....Now we know why.....to hide the evidance and "STOP" the investagation....
OK....so it's no seacret!!!!
Warning: This message will self distruct in 9.35827746391738 X 10`100000000000 micro-mila seconds.....is it gone yet!!!!
Sweet takes!
Good thing the black helicopters are on our side.
As for what Cutthroat says, that's a state secret. I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you...
Something I forgot to add to the evidance against the "Spy"s....
Bush Daddy was from New England....the Boston Mass area as I recall....he moved his family and that "Son-o-Bush" to Texas to steal their oil....(very consistant are they not)....so the Patsy's were their favorite team from their HomeLand up in the NE....and sense they changed their uniforms to reflect the symbol of America....(the Flag on their helmits)....they were chosen to represant the US against the World...."Victorious Cheaters"....(we have all the WMD's and are willing to use them, not to mention the control of the Propaganda Machine).....
So Raider Fans....don't pout....the sacrifices we have made to our country is far greater than any other fans in history....and it was inevetable...."Profileing"....we look the part...."Vilanous Pirates"....how could we expect to represent our country in a time of such need....the country needed heros they could look up to....NOT "Villanous Pirates" led by the "Emporer-o-da-DarkSide"....
In this time of such deep depression could we please get a movie plot that portrays what took place so maney moons ago....just to chear us up like the Shoot'em up Western after the Donko-Zebra Bashing of last week.....another time we have been Bent Over by the freaken NFL.....
"The Great Conspiricy"
Oh!...One last comment before I go feed my face....
Belly-Chick....has anyone noticed how similar he is to a politician when being asked a question....must have gotten some training from the Spy-Tech Providers in case info slips out...
They waisted NO time distroying those tapes....everyone just laughed when he was ordered to give up all his Stash....like he was going to cooperate....now who's laughing....the evidance is gone....distroyed....and why was it distroyed....Hugh!....can we come up with a logical reason for distroying the evidance....
I might be all wet here but is there some Corperate Law that makes what happend to the evidance illeagle....if there is all Raider fans need to buy one share of Patsy Stock and NFL stock and than as Share Holders DEMAND a compleate investigation into what has transpired sense January 19, 2002......
I've actually been in a black helicopter. I'll see what I can work out.
We'll have to have an SR-71 overflying the Raider practice facility the week before the "Snow Job".
The WWTD shirts need to be all over the coliseum. Tatum is highlighed in "Autumn Wind" three times. More than anyone else.
Great Tee-squirt "RT" "WE WILL TELL DAVIS" is more likely what your message should be, tell big al (MR.) davis "the genius" that he's brought your beloved "team" to the lowest depths of diepair! Tell davis he's medled enough, tell davis he aint got a clue, tell davis to go to hell! You will listen to your faidas go down to defeat 45 to 9, lots of exciting "seabiscuit" field goals though! Just Tell Davis babies! 0-3 with 13 more to go.
diepair? medled? sounds like someone is "mently chalenged."
Must have misplaced their Nancy Gay underware.
I want to make a correction from a previous post.
I earlier stated McCowan had more interceptions than quarters. I meant more interceptions than halves. Still not good, but I want to be fair.
As to the tackling, Routt has had some major problems in that area also. He is just not as noticeable as Schweigert because he is only out there in nickel and dime coverage. Last year the underneath passes weren’t breaking away like they are this year.
Now, could someone tell me how anyone who has been playing this game since the age of eight be a poor tackler at 26?
Quick opinion. I believe the reason Ryan singled out Morrison during drills is he is a solid tackler and he wants him to become the leader of the defense. Now if Morrison calls someone out for a less than stellar performance he has the backing of the coach.
WWTD... Tatum would bench the non-physical, non-productive players: Schweigert & Williams. Next, he'd put a veteran, a feisty hitter and a young oppotunistic player in the secondary to help out: Starks, Ward & Carr. That's what Tatum would do.
Oh, yeah, and Tatum would pull McCown on Sunday at the first sign of bad play.
And hopefully Tatum would clear off a seat for Simms the next time a DE runs around him as if he were not even there.
Riaders Favored by 3 pts.....
NO Time-Outs allowed as the ball is being Hiked....
Fry the Zebra if that happens again.....
Lookin for a good damn game tomorro without any "Crap" from the Zebras....can we just have that please....we have seen enough cheating this season already....
Cleveland has your number. You guys are going down tomorrow!
So when Cleveland beats the Raiders tomorrow, will it be the refs fault or the NFL schedule makers fault for scheduling the Browns in week 3 for you guys?
Got a name or a team....try to find something intelegent to say so someone will think you understand the game....like what is it about the Dogs that makes you believe they have our #....
I know that's too much to ask and it will challenge your little brain and give you a head ache....but try anyway....you might even supprise yourself....
What is it about the Dawgs that make me think they got your number? Well they have beaten you three straight times and two straight years in Oakland for starters. I would call that having your number. Cleveland has won 4 road games since the 2005 season and two of those road wins were in Oakland. Yeah, I would say the Browns have your number. Lets see if Oakland can do something about that tomorrow. I don't think they can.
That really all you have....old stories about years gone by....their team is not the same team we played with a team who is no longer on the field with the Raiders....but let's look back...
Sense 99 when the expansion Browns began they have 1 seasons over 500....9-7....they have had 7..6..5...2(4)...3...2 wins...for a total of 40 wins in 8 aeasons....
The Raiders have 8..12..10..11..2(4)..5..2 wins for 56 wins in the same period....over-all we are 9-7 against the Cleveland Browns....and favored in this game by 3 pts....
Now come on...try to come up with something that at least looks inteligent....just so we don't think you to ba a complete idiot....
Looks like our favorite Patriots fan is back, shamed into going undercover but still using his trusty spycam.
Three Super Bowl victories by a grand total of nine points. That's a pretty slim margin. Good thing they stole so many signals, otherwise Brady just might not have gotten far enough downfield for those last-second field goals, eh?
Correct...and now it comes out that they were recording Gannon durring that snow-job game 1-19-02 when they "LOST" until the Zebras overturned the call on the field with that bogas "Tuck-Rule" Crap...
It was the Raiders ball with about one minute left in the 4th and the Patsy's we out of Time-Outs so could not stop the clock....GameOver!!!!
Remember how the time keeper did not start the clock so the players had time to brush off the field for the kick....both times that was done....again in OT....
Hay AnnoAss....are you ever going to admit your team cheated....
PantyRaider Remembering!!!!
I love the WWTD! BTW, the problem with Ryan isn't that he isn't teaching his players to tackle, it's that he isn't realizing that rushing four EVERY DOWN isn't getting it done. The NFL has kind of a high level of professionalism, and doing the same thing every single down becomes a bit predictable.
Hey SOB: they are doubling Burgess every play, maybe blitz the person that is doubling Burgess to keep them honest?
This years defense reminds me of last years offense. Is Tom Walsh calling the defensive plays this year????
I am just stating the facts, which is something you Raider fans have a hard time dealing with. Cleveland has beaten you three straight times, with the last two years defeating you on your home turf in Oakland. Of course the teams are going to be different every season, but the truth of the matter is, Cleveland has had no problems taking care of Oakland in recent years. Those are the facts Jack. Is Oakland going to reverse that trend tomorrow? I don't think they are capable of beating Cleveland. Not with Walking Boot McCown starting at QB. I keep confusing Cleveland for an AFC West team because of how many times they have beaten Oakland over the past 4 years.
For the real dirty facts, go back to my September 14 take.
And also, why are you quoting me on how many wins Cleveland has achieved each season since they re-entered the league in 1999? Who cares about that? What I am referring to is their recent record and winning streak against the Rayduhs! They have owned you guys, winning three straight and the last two in that pathetic Halloween Show zoo you call the Oakland Coliseum. If Oakland wins tomorrow, I will be the first one to head over to this board and congratulate the Raiders for reversing the curse of those oh so powerful Brownies. Oh those pumpkin orange helmets are so intimidating!
What's your point, anyway? You roam around a Raiders fan site and act like it's some revelation to us that the Raiders have sucked for the past several years. We not only lost to the Browns last year, we lost 13 other games as well. Do you really think that's a news flash around here? No wonder you guys cheat, you need the help because you're not too bright.
This would be like me, at the height of the Raiders' three-peat in the AFC West in 2002, trolling around a Detroit Lions fan site, pointing out that they only won three games that year. Oh, how mighty I would have felt. Too bad I had a life and was too busy rooting for my own team.
looks like I touched a nerve with RT. I think I told you before why I follow the Raiders.
But anyway, I honestly don't think your team has it in them to beat the Browns tomorrow. Will they prove me wrong? Will they prove the cocky Browns fans wrong and the big bad media Raider haters wrong? I dont think it will happen. All the Raiders have proven over the last 4 years is how to shoot themselves in the foot and choke in games. They play to the level of their opponents. Come on Raiders, prove me wrong tomorrow. I dare you!
Yeah, you really touched a nerve. I may not be able to sleep tonight knowing that some craven Patriots fan, who suddenly and mysteriously refuses to mention his own (cheating) team, is so fascinated by a matchup between the Raiders and the Browns. I'm eating a fistful of Prozac, and it's all your fault.
Did you tell us before why you follow the Raiders? I don't recall that. Why don't you enlighten us? I'm sure it's noble and makes a lot of sense.
I told you that my cousin (and best friend in this world) is a huge Raiders fan. We get together every week to watch the Raiders game and the Patriots game, when the Patriots are on the road that is (I am a long time season ticket holder for the Pats). I will miss the Raiders game tomorrow because I will be watching my Patriots dismantle the Bills at Gillette. But I am sure I will hear all about it from my cousin if the mighty Raiders snap their 11 game losing streak by defeating the juggernauts from Cleveland. If my cell pone is not ringing at 7pm, then I know the losing streak has been extended to 12 games.
Just as I predicted. Sensible and noble.
Hey RT, you asked and I told you.
I am off to bed now. Good luck little Rayduhs with your tough game tomorrow against the Cleveland Clowns. I know you will have your hands full with Derek Anderson and Jailbird Lewis. Reverse the curse! Prove me wrong! lol
Good, I think you need the rest.
Your momy Belly-Chick will tuk you in and read a bed-time story so you can sleep...bedy-by story about "Cheating"...just like SadFranchise you got caught but can't admit to anything...so sad little boy (girl) nobody likes you anymore....
Go back to your sissy boy friends in NE....here where the MEN hang-out and you ain't up to that...couldn't even come up with a ligitamate take....
It's gameday again
Raiders hungry for a win
How bout a brownie?
I'm watching the 49er game, something you faidas fanatics can't do since your sorry ass "team" can't sell out that sewage swamp of a stadium macdaddy pee stadium! I'll watch the Patriots also! I love listening to the faidas "greg papasmear" twist the truth along with that other dimwit "stutterin' jimbo ahh ahhh ahh plunknitwit" they try and spin the game in the faidas favor, hey the faidas need all the help they can get...so, the faida "tlevision broadcasting nitwork" will try and spin it in your favor! It doesn't make a bit of difference weather it's in Navajo or chinese or spanish....THA faidas SUCK! 0-3 with 13 more to suffer through! Just shut you mouth and defend the "notion" 49ers 3 zip over Pit right now!
ya know....we don't care about the updates of YOUR favorite teams...it's not rubbing our nose in it and it's certainly not gonna convert any of us...remember a$$ hole this is a raiders blog site and all we care about are the raiders....F the patsies and the 9ers couldn't care less....why don't you just talk with your own rat sh!t kind....unless even they think you're too annoying
That was a nice tackle that Alex Smith attempted in his own end zone after that 50 yard interception run back.
If the Packers can hold on against the Chargers, we can be tied for second in the AFC West with a win today.
Hey "nancytake" that tackle attempt by Alex Smith was kinda like that play by "lamont sanford" when the 49ers BI-ATCH slapped them a year ago at Candlestick when "laaaaamont" dropped the lateral and watched as the 49er D took it for TD right in front of him. Ha ha haha Goooooo faidas just keep LOSING baby.
Update "culpumper" will take over to take the loss for "mcclown" Watch out!!!!!! faidas LOSE again!!!!!!!!!!! "rob the slob ryan with the Shirly Temple haircut should take some lessons from the 49er D, they at least were trying to stop the Steelers.
The Niners were trying to stop the Steelers? Coulda fooled me!
Browns are leading 26 to 24
12th straight Raider loss on the horizon
Can't spell. Can't count. Wow. You're truly "special."
The Kiffin Era has officially begun!!!!!!!! Quick learner to say the least.
Shanahan a week ago: what a rat!
Kiffin this week: genius!
haha I don't care...the Raiders win!
Raiders win! RAIDERS WIN!
You lost twice....Your Pussy Boys in their Burgandy-n-Gold panties and your MuleHeads with thgeir Taild between their legs after the WildCats Clawed the hell out of the.....the Donkies had nothing left after being "Spanked" by the raiders last week.....they only won because of oficial help....the same way the Raiders won today....but we are men enough to admit it.....not like some weak punk-ass bitch like you....
PantyRaider....Donko's-n-Winners are Dead!!!!!
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