Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ravens Gameday Thread

The sooner we can move on from last week, the better, so I'm getting this gameday thread going early. 

Picking up from last Sunday, areas where we need improvement are: running, receiving, throwing, secondary, pressuring, special teams, preparation, playcalling....oh, I give up.

There is simply NO excuse for a continuation of what we saw last week. We have to assume, or at least hope, that it was a blip on the radar. 

On that note, we should see some vast improvement and a competitive game on Sunday. Let's GO RAIDERS!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aggressive blitzing by our D and stretching the field with deep passes by our O would be nice!


12:04 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

If we blitz once it might throw the Ravens off their game plan. Raiders never brought more than 4 last week.

Look for Flaco to find DJ Hayden. Haden has to rank among the worst CBs after one week, aided by a TD pass that sailed inches from his helmet but he had no clue it was there.

Look for Ravens D to stack the box. Raiders need to find ways to get the ball to Cooper and Crabtree early and often. That will spread the Ravens D and create play action opportunities.

If Raiders go Murray first and get stuffed, it may set the tone for another long game.

Last week, Raiders were as bad as we've seen since 2003. There's no where to go but up. Yet, expectations have to be so much higher. Right?


1:59 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...


Hard to feel good about this stat:

"Baltimore has outscored Oakland 133-49 in the past four meetings"

Ravens are coming off a tough loss to Denver. They are a playoff caliber team with sense of purpose and urgency to get their season on track. This game appears tailor made for them to do just that.

So there's really no question the Ravens will show up. The question is: Will the Raiders show up? Hope so.


6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RT, competitive game? Are things so bad that you wishing for a victory is beyond reasonable. Are we just going for being competitive? Regards Sandy

7:42 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Always root for victory but it starts with being competitive... something that has yet to be revealed.

Not sure anyone on the planet is predicting a Raiders win. At a minimum, that would require last week's game to have been a complete fluke. We shall see.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anthony said...

17-17 our D should be embarressed THREE freaking players can't tackle a wr , god tis team makes it hard to be a fan!

2:09 PM  
Anonymous anthony said...

And that is why we are raider fans just wish we got a few more. Gut check time for Carr and he pulled it off. Well done despite the yards we gave up.

4:33 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Well, at least they made some corrections on one side of the ball. In fairness to DJ Haden (and all my previous criticisms), he probably had his best game as a pro. Although, he needs to recognize that pick play before it happens. That was embarrassing.

Are the cardiac kids back?

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best I have ever seen from Carr, he was impressive


6:54 PM  
Blogger MF_Raider said...

That was an amazing game! Carr has his 2nd game winning drive, all the greats do it!

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raider game not on tv where I live. You can send the clown car to Phili...the eagles look really bad.

So happy for a Raider win at home. Mostly I was happy for the fans at the coliseum after the poor showing last week. Now, can we get some consistency?

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Raider00 said...

I'm in a little bit of shock. Is this a turn the corner game ?

Can it be the Raiders have an offense. A dangerous offense ?

A winnable game in Brownsville next. But a road game. Raiders didn't
win a road game last year.

I want to get excited, but this team has a way of bursting the bubble. We'll see.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 75 said...

Awesome game yesterday! DJ Hayden and our DBs were the only weak spot. The only reason why we won was because Steve Smith couldn't get both feet in the End Zone after Hayden left him wide open. Thank God Flacco was expecting Hayden to be there, or otherwise it's a TD. Jack Del Rio, for the love of God, sit DJ and play Neiko Thorpe!

I was so incredibly excited with the win yesterday, this is what I was expecting the first week from our offense. We need to get Murray and Reece the ball more though. Ground and pound and balance our offense a little more. Cleveland is not going to be a cake walk next week. Raiders need to focus on this game, they have a pretty tough defense, and we need to find someone to cover Travis Benjamin, or they are in for a long day.

If you haven't seen it, go watch the Locker Room video on Derek Carr closes the video with a speech that fired me up. He says, "This is what we do! Nobody should be surprised by this. This is what we do! This is what we worked for all off-season! Now let's go do this next week. I love you guys. Win on three!"


11:55 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Nate - Hayden actually defended 2-3 passes yesterday. He was not his typical self; though he did get schooled on the pick play that left Smith wide open in the end zone. Phew!

Part of it was a better, albeit still flawed, game plan. As bad as it was, I think the secondary may have improved overall from the previous week (stats aside). Of course, Bengals OC, Hue Jackson, was the architect of Raiders last decent offense... setting Raiders franchise scoring records with Jason Campbell at GB. Jackson absolutely embarrassed the Raiders last week.

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

`Fantastic result. The glass remains "half full" the best part of Sunday's win without naming individuals was: The Raiders played for 60 minutes! They didn't give up. I'm proud of them as a team and excited for next week. As long as they play hard for 60 minutes, we have a chance to win.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 75 said...

So let me pose a question Raider Nation. Are the Raiders lacking a sack from their front four because of not being able to pressure the QB, or because of lack of pressured pass coverage from the LBs and CBs?

I think it is the latter. The CBs are giving too much cushion to the WRs allowing the QB to have a quick release from the pressure. Mack and Tuck had good push against the Ravens on Sunday, but Flacco was able to find open WRs due to cushion coverage. As an example, watch the play where Steve Smith catches the wide open pass in the end zone, but couldn't get his feet down. Mack was in Flacco's face knocking him down as he threw.

Another example was a 38 yard pass to Aiken. The Raiders' blitz, Flacco released a quick pass to Aiken because Neiko Thorpe was soft on his coverage. Aiken blew by for 38 yards. The same with his 26 yard pass to Aiken, and it was Thorpe and Asante on coverage.

Even on the final play, Mack forces Flacco to make that throw. Flacco was throwing it away, but it hung in the air too long because he was hit as he threw it. He threw it that way because Thorpe was in soft coverage.

Pressure on the QB + tight pass coverage = sacks, interceptions, and incompletions. The Raiders seem to have good pressure on the QB on Flacco all game. The difference between Sunday and against the Bengals was Dalton made some pretty quick throws after the snap, not allowing plays to develop because the cushion given by the CBs and LBs. A lot of dump off passes to Eiffert and WRs, who gained yards after the catch.

8:55 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Norton touched on this after the Bengals game. Obviously, it's a combination of these things but I agree the lack of pressed coverage allows the QB to release the ball before pressure gets to him. Worse, Raiders have given up insane YAC in two weeks.

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad I switched to /r/oaklandraiders to get my Raiders discussions. There you get breakdowns of plays, gifs, good discussions instead of the name-calling and bs that happens on this site. You guys don't have much to say when the Raiders do well so not sure how you guys can consider yourselves fans.

10:25 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Browns announce that Josh McCown will start over Manziel. There's a significant variance in the skills and methods of these QBs. McCown is more of a ball-control pocket passer (something the Browns perhaps hope to exploit after watching game film of the Raiders soft coverages). McCown is not nearly as dangerous running the ball as Manziel, which would have forced the Raiders to designate at least one player as spy.

With McCown starting, it's time for the Raiders to set up its best players for success on defense. That means more press coverage to give Mack, Smith and Tuck enough time to get to the QB, or at least force McCown to make mistakes.

It seems so obvious, yet, after two weeks, the Raiders still don't have a sack.

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 75 said...

I agree NY. The corners have to press the WRs more. Good things happen when the QB has nowhere to throw. This is what made CWood and Nnamdi so great, they pressed WRs. This is what makes Revis and Sherman great.

At this point, I'm glad it is McCown, I think Manziel's mobility would beat us. I think the Raiders have a chance at proving their worth this week in Cleveland.

In other news, Chancellor ends his holdout and is in Seattle's building working to negotiate removing some fines from the team, and maybe some lost money. I hope Seattle's front office says "Hell no! This was your decision, live with it." And causes Kam to look for a trade. I would trade for him, and chat with CWood about moving back to CB. The question is, what would I give up/trade?

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Raider00 said...

NYR and Nate...The corners that have the most success pressing WR's at LOS, are the bigger, physical corners.

They are able to jam the receivers at line, get them off their routes, and still have the speed to keep going down field.

I just don't think the Raiders have these type of big, physical,corners.

5:51 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

OO - on paper, Raiders CBs are probably above-avg size. So as not to exclude anyone, LBs are missing a lot of coverages too.

IMO, it's a combination of lack of experience and coaching. Soft coverage has mostly led to Mack and Smith (probably among the best pass rushers around the league) being non-factors.

I'll take it a step further and suggest it might be time for the Mack at DE experiment to end. Mack was an animal at LB. Arguably, his biggest contribution last year was in the run game and tackles for loss or little to no gain. He probably stages better at LB for these type plays.

Suffice to say, something needs to change because the Raiders can't continue to give up anything close to 33 points per game and expect to win.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Completely agree on the Mack comment. A few weeks ago I mentioned they should play a 3-4. Get him out in a little more space. He was good against Baltimore but against Cinci having him play head up against Whitworth wore him down over the course of the game.

If the Raiders played a 3-4 my line is Williams at nose, Ellis at LE, Edwards at RE.

Do you think the Raiders have the guys to play a 3-4?


6:06 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Sandy - Probably not. LBs are struggling, and there's little depth. Lapses in coverage, poor gap discipline and missed tackles defines the LB corp so far this year. Heeney seems like a baller but he's inconsistent at best.

Raiders need Ellis back, and should move Mack back to LB. Use the big bodies to move things around and let your best players finish plays.

You'd think Edwards, a high second round pick, would give the Raiders another option at DE. Apparently not.

4:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NY I agree without Moore they might not have the bodies at LB however an even bigger challenge would be RE. Many teams don't play the 3-4 because the RE is such a unique skill set in that you have to be fast enough to play the 5 gap but also take on the LT and G. Justin Smith, Richard Seymour, Calais Campbell were ideal guys for this. Edwards not so much. Now if Reggie had kept Desmond Bryant perhaps.

Have a good weekend

5:18 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

2-22 record and 11 consecutive losses; worst in the NFL since 2012, and probably since 2002.


6:07 AM  

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