Saturday, September 07, 2024

Chargers Gameday Thread

Hello, is anybody still out there!? 

If not, I understand. I've let you, this incredible and enduring Raider Take community, down by taking the entire offseason off, but I'm 20 years into this and am, frankly, losing steam.

After all of these years, after all of these high draft picks and resets, we're going into the season with an unproven first-time head coach, questions galore and Gardner Minshew and AOC as our two top quarterbacks. Haven't I seen this before? And before that?

They say that the only constant is change, and that is definitely true of the Raiders. But they also say that the more things change, the more they stay the same, which is also true of the Raiders. 

The other constant is Mark Davis, who has proven to be very bad at his job.

I know that this isn't the rah-rah take that you might be hoping for to start the season. I'm just being honest about where I'm at. 

I'm out of rah-rah. I'm in 100% prove-it mode, and I think I've earned it. So tell me I'm wrong, because I could use a pep talk.

And, oh yeah, GO RAIDERS!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom & Pop pro sports and corporate pro sports

If you want to be into loyalty and rah-rah and hear all of the hype and go for it- fine! but what about just looking at the product and whose running it?

Are these the Raiders we supported for decades? is this the culture that we put our time, money and sweat and tears into? or is this what's left of Al's team? No, this isn't about making Al the answer its' about the NFL and what it is.
It's not some corporate group of people trying to please fans while making money. Its' a money scheme that billionaires control and they've taken ideas that the hated and crazy Al Davis and other old owners/ NFL execs created or helped make famous and made fools of all NFL team fans.

While Raidernation got put in a sugar/ gold coated bad deal where MD doesn't even own his own stadium and the team is still mediocre-, other NFL fans are being conned actually thinking all the stadiums, team value and stores and fun centers near the stadiums is for them. Its' the billionaires keeping them happy while they scam them out of their money.

Raidernation should ask the Raiders to not be so greedy and not over charge for tickets or the NFL try bringing in new owners for the team.

11:12 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

RT, first, thank you for sticking it out. If you do decide to close shop (which would be totally understandable), I hope you dig out my email from our exchanges in the Kiffin days.

I think we're all pretty much beat down after 20 years of the same ol' same ol'. I can't offer much of a pep talk. There isn't much meat on that bone.

Clearly, the Raiders are good (i.e., consistent) at making bad decisions. It's not a new development in their history. They have at least two full decades to show for it, and I would argue much longer.

For better or worse, Telesco and Getsy had records of failure follow them to the Raiders. These guys don't get lateral positions if not for Mark Davis and the Raiders. They both need to be better than they've been in order to lead to any success. That's a tall order working for the Raiders.

So, where do we stand? I have no idea. I was probably more excited at the end of last season (AP, Champ Kelly and eternal hope) than I am now. Neither QB stepped up in preseason, and I'm very worried that Getsy is not equipped to run what should be a very workable offense.

I will say this, I don't think we can blame the Raiders for not drafting a QB, after 6 QBs went off the board before their pick. My take right now is that the Raiders still need a QB and they still lack the depth they need to advance into the playoffs. Does anyone believe Wilson can aptly replace Koonce today?

So my initial take going into the season is, if the Raiders faulter early on, they should trade Adams and start hoarding draft capital for a possible mega trade into the top of the draft. I don't think Dak Preskot or anyone worthy will be available to them next year.

It seems like there are so many good QBs in the league right now, and the Raiders don't have one.

At the end of the day, the Raiders have to be better as a team and an organization in order to get to where we want them to be. Based on what we've seen the past 20 years, that doesn't seem possible.

Meanwhile, they will continue to make money as if they were a winning organization. And maybe that's what keeps them from winning.

5:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

L.V. has done some good things this off season(like the draft). They've built up the team with FAs'/ draft picks. They want to talk playoffs but haven't shown there is more that has something exciting about the staff or on the roster or a game plan that make fans/ media and haters/ critics listen or have reason to give them benefit/ believe they've made the team much better or something, a game plan or roster move, that will help them win in the AFC and surprise fans/ critics and upset some good teams and maybe make the playoffs.

The Raiders need help on offense and some on defense. Their defense just don't look that good that they should think they are top 10.
The pass rush is good but thin, its' thin because of the conservative attitudes and cheapness.

Defense is their strongest unit for making the playoffs. They need more talent than they have
They got better but sometimes that's an excuse reject more expensive star players. They claim to have talent...they do, but is it a playoff roster?

They aren't the Ravens, '00 Giants or '85 Bears. We might have an elite DL and I don't know why suddenly its' that good. other than Wilkins and Crosby this DL is thin. Koonce has to prove last year wasn't a fluke- and now he is injured and out for 4 weeks and the DTs need to help stop the run. they need a backup speed rusher to give Koonce and Crosby a rest.

The DB unit is thin and full of rookies/ young players the pass it has some good starters but needs more players. The cheapness of the front office makes it hard to put out a good unit. They will need help from the DL if the team wants to win this year. The LBs need help its' a decent unit but they are a nickle D and use only 2 LBs' they were average with 3 LBs' so maybe they should go back to 3 LBs'.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raiders vs. Chargers

The LACs' run game may cause problems- why L.V. is going with a nickle defense isn't all that clear. Yes, teams use a slot WR but maybe the Raiders need to try a 'man' defense and use three LBs'. Since LACs' don't have those dangerous receivers they sometimes have right now-, they(Raiders) should just play man and press coverage and depend on their run defense to force the Chargers to throw to win. The Chargers will run to keep the Raiders' DL from winning the game.

The Raiders should have a huge advantage with a veteran QB and outstanding receivers. But the problem is the OL-
the line is rebuilt and has questions at G and RT.

They have to keep LACs' star pass rushers, K. Mack and N. Bosa off of Minshew. The Chargers' secondary is good and has to help their pass rush shut down the passing game.

The Raiders run game is a question mark and will need to do a good job against a question mark Chargers' LB unit. L.V. needs a good run game to win this year and the Chargers' LB is question mark but its' good if L.V. can keep the Chargers confused with a few big runs or if the Chargers force the Raiders to throw more by stuffing their run game it may be tough for L.V. to win.

The Raiders LB units has to shut down the Chargers' run game if they don't the Chargers can confuse the Raiders by throwing and hitting big pass plays. The Raiders' secondary needs to play well today the pass rush needs help and maybe they could force Herbert to make mistakes or change his plays and that may help he Raiders.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Thanks, Anon.

NY - I appreciate your faithfulness to this blog, we go way back in these parts.

I saw more of the same from the Raiders today. The makings of a good defense that can't stay dominant for 60 minutes, the late breakaway dagger play from the opponent, and a pop-gun offense.

4:48 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

A bit ironic. Raiders torch the Chargers to end last season, they dispatch their GM to the Raiders and sign Harbaugh as HC, and we're right back in the crapper.

Very disappointing.

How long before AOC gets back in the mix? It doesn't get any easier for the Raiders. They have a tough schedule.

3:56 AM  
Anonymous Ghost ship said...

I watched the game, and it was another big nothing from the Raiders. Offense looked lackluster, and turnovers killed any chance. Defense was solid, but also had their bendy, breaky, moments they always seem to have. Carlson missed a field goal, and barely slipped in the one he made. Team just didn't look ready for opener, and that old AP fire from last year never showed. Another long year ahead ?? That's my pep talk !

5:24 AM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 75 said...

Take, you know I'm here as well. I came in about a year after you started. Time flies, right? Remember the Pat McQuistan haiku's? I was worried about the Getsy hire for OC, and if yesterday's game is the indication of our season, then we are in for another long season. Sure did miss Josh Jacobs, as Zamir White only ran for 44 yards on 13 carries. Really, I don't blame the running backs, in all we had 73 yards total; and every running play, the O-Line was pushed back and manhandled. That makes it difficult for the offense to do anything.
Minshew, on the other hand, did not play poor. In all honesty, he was the spark for the offense and did so many positive things. If we can get the run game going, I think it will start clicking for us.
The defense looks better than advertised as well, and will be dominate if the offense can give them consistent breathers. Oh well, 1 game down 16 to go. Thanks for keeping the doors open, Take. If you lose steam and close shop, let's follow each other on Twitter. My handle is @Nateball40

2:50 PM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Pat McQuistan haikus, wow, those were the days! Thanks for the memories...and the chuckle! Maybe I should fire up the haikus again. Anything to make things interesting 'cuz every day is like groundhog day with the Raiders.

8:57 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

That was a winnable game for the Raiders and definitely too familiar.

They were unprepared and sloppy, mostly on offense. Raiders replacement regimes vacillate between power and zone blocking schemes so much, it's hard to keep track. IMO, this has hurt the Raiders every time a new regime takes over.

The defense had some bright spots but they also failed to plug lanes at the most critical times. They retained 7 LBs on the 53-man roster and regularly only employ two. Conversely, they kept three TEs and often employ all three.

The offense is completely hit or miss. It doesn't look like an offense that can methodically march down the field and score when they need to. Minshew was constantly under pressure and his backward pass-turned-fumbled-lateral was pathetic.

Raiders need JPJ to emerge as the LG. Bowers and Adams should be the focus of the offense. Did you see the one-handed catch out of bounds by Adams. Just throw him the ball (in bounds!).

One last observation, the Raiders reportedly have 29 coaches, the most in the NFL. They can all take some blame for that one. Now they have to beat the Ravens (coming off a loss to the Chiefs) or go 0-2 to start the season.

6:37 AM  
Blogger TheFreakingPope said...

RT, another great take!

It was very hard to watch. I do think our defense CAN finish in the top 5. As we've written over and over, if your offense can't stay on the field and sustain drives, fatigue will get us.

I'm very interested to see how they handle this week and what adjustments they make.

I'm glad that Adams was with his wife and their new baby. There is nothing more important. That said, even if HE doesn't need camp, teamwork does and there is definitely room for better chemistry and trust.

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 75 said...

I'll start more haiku's, here is my Week 1 haiku:
Another season
Begins with disappointment
Will it ever change?

7:29 AM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

Hey, it's TFP - another legend around these parts!

8:03 PM  
Blogger Raider Take said...

It's on, Raider Nate:

Where have I seen this
before? 4th and 1, no guts
busted coverage

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Raider Nate 75 said...

Out of the huddle
Everything looks familiar
The more it changes

6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To NY Raider,
Whats going on!? ain't
We got a good team but its' not great and it may not be a playoff team but the new regime might be able to fix some things we still have a chance to make the playoffs!
But we got a good team and we need to do some things to be able to make the playoffs!

O.K. so things are going South and don't look so great! lets keep going but lets not be suckers and naive!

We are not a great football team, we haven't done much to get there an

You guys said this was the real deal that we finally found our regime and that we are gonna be a playoff team in '24!

Well, they're gonna have to do some big moves to do it!

But whats up with this attitude and quitting talk?

No you guys don't you're the ones that said the Raiders had the things to win this year!
That the new Raiders(Bellichick/ NFL) Way would win!

But now you want to call it mistake, wait till next year?

Oh no! When I said they needed to do things like spend more, use the ideas of older winning systems maybe some of Al's you criticized me. Now, you're calling this a mistake? giving up on '24?

No, IMO..., I think fans should complain! I mean write the Raiders' let them know they need to make big moves!
I mean tell all the fans to write the team. Get a "Billboard" e-mail them.

They need to do a lot but what they can do now:

1. sign star veteran FA DLs'- especially an edge/ DE.

2. trade for a veteran CB to start.

3. give McAllister time at RB

4. use their TEs' in a game plan

This is a good not great football team it's not a playoff team but if they make some big moves or spend more they might be.

But attacking them and quitting on them ain't gonna do nothing.

9:30 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Al Anon, that's cringeworthy. I don't think any of that was said, at least not in the context you put it.

The elephant that you miss every time is the Raiders need for a QB.

You prefer to spend money and make "big moves" now and deplete resources that might jeopardize access to a QB next year. In Al Davis fashion!

Very perplexing.

If the Raiders enter the "big moves" trade market they are far more likely to be sellers, not buyers, IMO.

FYI, nobody is "quitting" after one game. That's a colossal misread.

11:45 AM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Do expectations need to be tempered a bit? That's difficult to say because it's been 20 years of the same sh*t. But failures have been more systemic to the organization than to any single regime.

Right now, the Raiders need a QB! That's no small thing.

AP and some media said Minshew had a decent game last week, but he didn't. He missed reads and dumped the ball on the grass. He looked like a deer in headlights.

The hope is still that Minshew can lead the Raiders into the playoffs this year. But that's probably where the show stops for him.

Raiders need a QB.

Making "big moves" and signing "star players" to other positions isn't going to change that, and it may actually hinder the Raiders chance of getting a quality QB should one become available next year through free agency or trade.

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K. then,

Terrell Pryor(FA)

Marcus Mariota(trade)/ they should have to do that because they had him and should've let him stay. He could do a good job as a manager QB.

Matthew Stafford(trade)/ a 2nd and 4th rounder next year for a guy who may retire soon.

Ryan Tannehill/ he's not a star or was one of the best QBs when he was younger but he might help us.

12:37 PM  
Blogger nyraider said...

Do you actually believe those are viable solutions?

Terrelle Pryor? Marcus Mariota?

5:23 AM  

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